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An exciting phase of Leyland Town Deal project complete

An initial demolition and site clearance phase of the Leyland Town Deal project is complete

An initial demolition and site clearance phase of the Leyland Town Deal project is complete and on 13 May, the site was officially handed back to South Ribble Borough Council following a successful demolition programme led by Preston based Bradley Group - a company which specialise in demolition and asbestos removal.

The works have seen the removal of the former Iddon's Factory site on Quin Street in Leyland ready to support the exciting development of the refurbished Leyland Market, creation of a new market square and a new range of affordable townhouses and apartments.

The street will be re-imagined as a key green street and a key pedestrian route into the new market square with views to the United Reformed Church.

Charles Hadcock, Chairman of the Leyland Town Deal Board said, "I'm delighted that this phase of works is now complete. While the Leyland Town Deal works have been ongoing since 2020 when we were initially successful with the bid, this is the first phase of work that has been on-the-ground and visible, and we can now start to see the progress and what the future of the space could look like.

"This is just the start of a total transformation of Leyland, and I cannot wait to see the works progress."

The council is committed to ensuring that each development taking place across the borough also gives back to the local communities and puts money back onto the local supply chain.

Bradley Group during their work on site:

  • paid all employees above the Living Wage
  • created apprenticeships, work placements and training opportunities for local people
  • employed two ex-offenders supporting them to get back into the workforce
  • donated over £1,000 to local training courses to support people with CV and interview techniques
  • Provided employees with access to well-being programmes

Andy Hill, Director of Bradley Group said, "Having grown up in Leyland it's been fantastic being part of this important project in my hometown.

"As a local company we understand the importance of supporting our community. Alongside the high-quality demolition service, we provided I'm thrilled we were able to contribute to the social value and economic growth of the area."

Identity Consult were appointed as Employer's Agent for this programme of works and provided Quantity Surveying on the scheme.

Russell Gallagher, an Associate at Identity Consult was present at the site handover and said, "We are pleased to have been able to assist in the first phase of the Town Deal works, and we are excited to continue to support the ambitions of the council and the Town Deal Board as works now move into the construction phase."

Charles Hadcock continued, "It's fantastic to see the added value we can give to the local community as a result of large developments such as this and there is much, much more to come as the project progresses."

The next stage of works is to refurbish the Leyland Market, with the current market planned to be relocated this year while the works take place alongside the Quin Street Housing Development.

More news on this will be shared very soon.

Published: 21st June 2024

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