Terms of reference

1. Duties and Terms of Reference

1.1. The Leyland Town Deal Board (LTDB) is a strategic body created following Leyland being identified as a town that may benefit from the Towns Fund. The LTDB brings together the private, public and voluntary sectors to provide strategic leadership to develop and deliver a Town Investment Plan and schedule of interventions to secure government funding, and which sets out a clear understanding of the area, focusing on its assets, opportunities and challenges.

1.2. Following the agreement of the Leyland Town Deal with the Government, the Board will provide strategic direction and oversight to the delivery of the Town Deal projects.

1.3. The LTB will provide strategic insight on the direction on the delivery of the Town Investment Plan by:

a. Championing the LTB economic vision and promote bold, deliverable interventions that will generate maximum economic and social benefits for Leyland;

b. Using professional expertise and local knowledge to guide future decision making and governance to best deliver value for money across the full suite of Town Deal projects;

c. Coordinate with investment in Leyland and the surrounding area, both current and proposed, to optimise the overall benefit for the town;

d. Ensuring that the delivery of the Town Deal vision brings benefits which are fairly balanced across all social groups and demographics;

e. Communicating with the business community and residents around economic growth and delivery of the interventions;

f. Sharing knowledge practice and intelligence within the LTB area; g. Being active ambassadors for Leyland and South Ribble to help realise its longer term development and prosperity.

The Board shall:

a. Develop and oversee the delivery of the Leyland Town Deal.

b. Co-ordinate public, private and third sector activity to develop and deliver the interventions in using the framework of the Towns Fund Prospectus, Towns Fund Guidance and any further guidance that may be issued.

c. Have regard to the three strands of the Prospectus and develop the interventions and maximise the impact of those interventions:

(i) Urban Regeneration, planning and land use

(ii) Skills and Enterprise Infrastructure

(iii) Connectivity

d. Support the delivery of Leyland Town Deal projects by attending Board meetings, sub groups and participating in other working arrangements as agreed, and reflecting the agreed view of the Board in discussions with partners and stakeholders.

1.4.Where appropriate, alongside South Ribble Borough Council (SRBC), the Board shall:

a. Promote Leyland as a prime location for inward investment, international trade and to proactively help more locally based companies export their goods and services; examples include SRBC and Board approved media interviews; attendance of events; attendance or set up of community groups or workstreams or sub-groups; PR; social media posts; research; response and attendance to webinars and virtual events.

b. Actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion across all of its activities (see above for with examples).

c. Assist the Council in responding to opportunities that arise from government initiatives to support economic development within Leyland;

d. Attend events to promote the Town Investment Plan and emerging projects 1.5.Members will bring their own perspectives and also represent their organisation, interest group or area. They will be recognised for their valuable contribution bringing ideas, knowledge and expertise to the process. Members will take a Borough wide perspective and develop consensus in the best interests of Leyland. Participants are required to adhere to these Terms of Reference.

1.6. Where matters cannot be efficiently or thoroughly progressed through Board meetings, members may be asked to engage in additional meetings and related tasks including thematic workstreams, task and project focused sub-groups or working with partners. Where this occurs, Members will be asked to report back to subsequent Board meetings.

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