Terms of reference

9. Decision Making and Voting Arrangements

9.1. Each member of the Board shall have one vote which may be cast on matters considered at the meeting by a show of hands. Votes can only be cast by members attending a meeting of the Board.

9.2. The general rule about decision making by the Board is that any decision of the Board must be a majority decision at a meeting. 9.3.Where a conflict of interest exists as set out in the LTB Code of Conduct, a Board Member may take part in the debate but may not vote. However depending on the nature of the conflict, the Board member may be excluded to attend the subject meetings.

9.4. In exceptional circumstances, decision-making and voting will take place via written procedure (email). For instance, if a decision is required to be made between board meetings; this is for the purposes of ensuring the project is able to progress in a timely manner given the challenging delivery programme.

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