Terms of reference

3. The Chair and Deputy Chair

3.1. The Board shall appoint a Chair and Deputy Chair who will serve for a period of 36 months before re-election, with a possible annual extension subject to the agreement of the board.

3.2. In the absence of the Chair, the Deputy Chair will assume the responsibilities of the Chair.

3.3. In the absence of both the Chair and Deputy Chair at a formal meeting of the LTB, those present for the meeting of the Board will vote and appoint a Chair for that meeting only.

3.4. The LTB Delivery Team will consult the Chair from time to time on progress of works required to be undertaken on individual interventions.

3.5. The Chair may convene an informal meeting of all or some of the Board Members to inform progress of a particular matter arising under the development of individual interventions.

3.6. The Chair may meet third parties and attend events on any matter pertaining to the Town Investment Plan and individual interventions to progress activity and outcomes.

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